Charity fundraising - JENGA

As some of our Christmas services had to be cancelled where we would have raised funds for two charities, we are making a special effort to collect donations over a four-week period. We have already raised around £450 for the Dolma Foundation, and now on Sundays 13th and 20th February we are raising funds for JENGA, a charity working in Uganda that we have supported for many years. There will be a separate box to make donations – there will still be our usual collection for St Martin’s.

JENGA is a longstanding, locally trusted organisation made up of national employees and international volunteers working together to make a difference. JENGA provides the basic essentials of life to the most vulnerable and needy people of Mbale, Uganda. Through diverse and sustainable development projects they are equipping Ugandans to meet their own needs and to forever change their communities.

You can find out more information at


Lent Lunches


Lent course