Services & Events…..

Epiphany - Holy Communion & Chalk Blessing
This morning we travel with the Magi (the three kings) as they visit the baby Jesus and bestow their gifts upon him. We’ll also be ‘chalking’ the church with it’s annual blessing and providing chalk for you to take for your own homes too!

Aldenham, Radlett & Shenley - Holy Communion
For this first Sunday of Christmas we will be joining together as a team for Holy Communion at St John’s Church, Radlett.
There will not be a 10am service at St Martin’s Church Shenley on this morning.

Christmas Day!
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant!
Happy Birthday Jesus! A wonderful morning of celebration. Bring a gift to show!

Midnight Service
Greet Christmas Day through this very special Holy Communion service. Candles, prayers and music - Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Alleluia!

Children's Christmas Service
A service aimed at engaging children in the Christmas story, lots of fun, actions and singing Christmas Carols! Come dressed as your favourite character!

Carols by Candlelight
A wonderful chance to sing some much loved Christmas Carols accompanied by the Christmas story, surrounded by beautiful candlelight.

4th Sunday of Advent - Holy Communion
Join us this Sunday as we light the fourth candle on the Advent Wreath and join together in Holy Communion, prayers and music. All welcome.

3rd Sunday of Advent - Holy Communion
Join us this Sunday as we light the third candle on the Advent Wreath and join together in Holy Communion, prayers and music. All welcome.

Messy Church - Christmas!
Come along and join the Christmassy fun! We begin this year at St Martin’s Church & then move on to Shenley Methodist Church. Father Christmas, crafts, stories, music and grub - what’s not to love! A fun filled celebration for children :)

2nd Sunday of Advent - Holy Communion
Join us this Sunday as we light the second candle on the Advent Wreath and join together in Holy Communion, prayers and music. All welcome.

Christingle Service
Get in the mood for Christmas as we prepare for the baby Jesus ‘Light of the world’ to arrive at Christmas. This is a service for all, we’ll be making our own Christingles, singing lots of songs, lighting candles, saying prayers and raising money for The Children’s Society.

1st Sunday of Advent - Holy Communion
Join us this Sunday as we light the first candle on the Advent Wreath and join together in Holy Communion, prayers and music. All welcome.

Soup Lunch
Join us for a social and generous soup lunch at St Martin’s. All welcome!
Donations to cover the costs are always welcome but only if you are able.

Advent Taizé Service
A quiet evening of silent prayer, reflection and beautiful chants from the Taizé Community. Come comfortably dressed, bring a cushion if you’d like to sit on the floor, and relax into this contemplative praise. Uncomplicated worship in a complicated world.

All Together Worship!
All welcome to this All Together worship, with lively singing and activities for all ages! We hope to see you there.

Sunday Worship - Holy Communion
All welcome to worship, sing, pray and share Holy Communion at this 10:00am service - we hope to see you there.
With Sunday Club for children.

Remembrance Sunday Service
Holy Communion service at the earlier time of 9.30am, followed by a community act of remembrance by the Shenley War Memorial at 10.45am.

All Soul’s Service
A quiet, reflective service, to remember those we have loved and lost.

Sunday Worship - Holy Communion
All welcome to worship, sing, pray and share Holy Communion at this 10:00am service - we hope to see you there.
With Sunday Club for children.

All Together Worship - St Martin’s Day & Baptism!
All welcome to this All Together worship, with lively singing and activities for all ages! We hope to see you there.
This week we celebrate with two Baptism families as we remember St Martin’s Day. Stay with us afterwards for bacon rolls and cake!

Soup Lunch
Join us for a social and generous soup lunch at St Martin’s. All welcome!
Donations to cover the costs are always welcome but only if you are able.

Sunday Worship - Holy Communion
All welcome to worship, sing, pray and share Holy Communion at this 10:00am service - we hope to see you there.
With Sunday Club for children.

Sunday Worship - Holy Communion
All welcome to worship, sing, pray and share Holy Communion at this 10:00am service - we hope to see you there.
With Sunday Club for children.

Sunday Worship - Holy Communion
All welcome to worship, sing, pray and share Holy Communion at this 10:00am service - we hope to see you there.
With Sunday Club for children.

Harvest Festival - All Together Worship
This week we start at the later time of 11am so we can stay and share a lovely harvest lunch together!
All welcome to this All Together worship, with lively singing and activities for all ages! We hope to see you there.

Soup Lunch
Join us for a social and generous soup lunch at St Martin’s. All welcome!
Donations to cover the costs are always welcome but only if you are able.

Community Cafe - Every Friday!
Welcome to ‘Community Cafe’!
All welcome to pop along for some light refreshments in tranquil setting of St Martin’s Church.
Every Friday apart from on Soup Lunch days (last Friday of the month).
Donations to cover costs very welcome but purely suggested.
See you then! :)

Community Cafe - Every Friday!
Welcome to ‘Community Cafe’!
All welcome to pop along for some light refreshments in tranquil setting of St Martin’s Church.
Every Friday apart from on Soup Lunch days (last Friday of the month).
Donations to cover costs very welcome but purely suggested.
See you then! :)