Aldenham, Radlett & Shenley Team of Churches

  • Interregnum - St John The Baptist, Aldenham

    After 20 years of service The Rev'd Robert Fletcher retired from his post in May 2024. The parish of Aldenham are currently in vacancy until a new vicar is in post.

  • Vicar - Christ Church & St John’s, Radlett

    Oliver grew up largely running around on other people’s farms in Cheshire. He retired from his position as a rugby union scrum half when he got to university and saw that most people were as wide as he was tall. Following a degree in Law he went off to Australia where he had a series of temporary jobs which brought him in close contact with the criminal underworld. In a barristers' chambers he provided research to counsel on anti-corruption, extortion, homicide, and terror-related offences. Later he worked for a cabinet minister responsible for prison reform, crime prevention, and anti-corruption. Good preparation for parish work!

    All the while, God was quietly sowing the seeds of ministry. Oliver began as chief lightbulb changer at the Old Cathedral in Melbourne, and graduated to reading the lessons, leading prayers, and taking a course in preaching. As this vocation to ministry grew, he moved back to the UK to care for a family member who had a long-term illness. A life in ministry was explored and tested further with the Church, and after a few years he took a degree in Theology at Oxford and completed a

    Master's degree at Durham whilst training for the priesthood at Ripon College Cuddesdon.

    Following a joyful curacy in Royal Wootton Bassett, the family moved mid-pandemic to Radlett, where Oliver is gradually learning to grow things, mainly dahlias and, God-willing, the congregation. He is married to Mariama, an educationalist working for a City Livery Company, who is also a priest ministering in the Diocese of London. Mariama chairs the board of Days for Girls UK, supporting women and girls around the world with access to menstrual products and healthcare information.

    She is the author of Inequality and Flourishing: A Theology of Education (London: SPCK, 2022).

  • Vicar - St Martin’s Church, Shenley

    Sarah has been in post since August 2022.

    She moved from serving her curacy in the Tring Team Parish, which comprised one large market town church and four smaller village churches. Prior to her ‘calling’, her main career was spent working as a Human Resources Manager for telecommunications companies. While working, she also gained a Master’s Degree in HR Management, and went on to study Theology and trained for priesthood while working full-time in HR.

    Sarah is married to Chris and they have two sons. She says her family are truly wonderful, so supportive, and she thanks God daily for them. Throughout this whole journey, moving schools (twice) and moving home (three times), they’ve not moaned once and regularly help during services.

    She receives great support, prayers and encouragement from the entire Aldenham, Radlett & Shenley parish, and is keeping herself pretty busy as she is also Assistant Dean of Women’s Ministry in the Diocese of St Albans.

  • Reader

    Eileen has been going to church ever since she can remember, and was even made to wear a hat to Sunday School! She has lived in Radlett for over 30 years, and found the village welcoming from the beginning.

    She was encouraged by a former priest-in-charge of St John’s Church to join the Family Service Planning Group, and from there gradually took part more and more in planning and leading services. From there it was a natural progression to undertake Reader training. What should have taken three years took in fact seven, juggling courses with full-time work and bringing up a family.

    Eileen worked for the Diocese of St Albans for 22 years, initially as part-time Stewardship Secretary, then as the main administrator for the Schools Team. She has now retired but still manages to fill her days with a variety of activities and responsibilities.

    As Reader, or Lay Minister, Eileen can lead non-eucharistic services, give sermons, and assist in other church-related events.

  • Lay Minister

    John is married to Linda and has two children and a granddaughter.

    John grew up in a Christian family and studied Theology for three years on the St Albans Diocesan Ministerial Training Scheme, finally being licensed in 1984, based initially at All Saints Church in Borehamwood, then at Holy Cross Church also in Borehamwood, before moving on to serve at St Martin's Church in Shenley where he was based for 20 years. John now regularly worships at Christ Church Radlett and is a Lay Minister for the Aldenham, Radlett & Shenley Team.

    In his secular life John trained as a chemist and worked for the Government as a Chemist, and as an IT professional until retiring in 2011.

    John is a keen musician playing in a long-established band, playing at fund-raising events and for charities such as Mencap.

    As a Lay Minister, John can lead non-eucharistic services, services of Communion by Extension, preach and conduct funeral services as well as assisting in other church-related events.