
Our vision at St Martin’s Church is “God loves you. Always”. We put this into practice by being “church in the heart of the community”. Why come along? We believe to the core that you matter, you have an amazing purpose and God has an adventure for you to make a difference.

St Martin’s honours that and gives you space to work it out in community. St Martin’s church therefore is a place for everyone. Young and old, rich and poor, faith filled and questioning. We are therefore inclusive, encouraging and a happy place where people want to be.


Our vision  “God loves you. Always” encourages you and I to live generously and walk courageously and act creatively with God through all seasons of life. We in turn long for you to experience church like arriving home, a place where people can feel safe, grow, be comforted and challenged in their faith.

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 To put this vision into action we also as a church will be aiming for 50% of all our ministry and our activities to be out in the community.

These have and will include environmental projects, hot chocolate outreach, christenings, visiting schools, involved in the nursing homes, hospital visits, funerals, walled garden services, soup lunches, our under threes group, home visits,  being involved in the local pre school nurseries, being a visible presence in The White Horse and Orchard Cafe, weddings, helping in local politics and the Jewish community especially around mental health and Remembrance Sunday.

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This is a big invitation for people like you and I to have the creative freedom to be ourselves, jump in and get involved, to think up new ways and to go deeper with ancient sacred ways of being church on Sundays, in our homes, at work or in our friendship groups.

 Finally and very importantly, our vision  “God loves you. Always!”  is based on our desire for you to meet with Jesus in a real and living way. Therefore worship, prayer and good bible study in many creative ways will underline and steer our vision for everyone in Shenley and beyond to experience God’s amazing love.

We invite you today to be connected with St Martin’s, to make a difference and come on an adventure with us and God!