Singing Group

Our Singing Group has not been able to meet during the pandemic but we hope to resume soon.


If you love singing this is the group for you. Whether you just sing in the shower or sing professionally, there is a place reserved for you!

The Singing Group lead our worship normally on the 2nd and 4th Sunday’s of the month as well as encourage our singing at our monthly evening Praise Service.

 They are also well known in the community helping us sing at Wilton House, at community events such as Remembrance Sunday, ‘Carols by the Cage’ and St Martin’s ‘Carols Around The Village’ as well as our Walled Garden Service, and 'Pimms ‘and’ Hymns' in the Summer. The Singing Group meet every Tuesday at 8pm for an hour practice.

The group is very joyful, kind and encouraging whatever your musical ability. Why not come along and sing?