
Congatulations! You are getting married! Excellent news!

Marrying at St Martins is personal, meaningful, spiritual and beautiful, just as you want it to be.

We at St Martin’s aim to help you to work towards a smoothly run and happy wedding day, and also to make good preparations for a fruitful, exciting, adventurous and unique married life together.

Marriage Preparation

Here at St Martin’s Rev Sarah will guide you through 3/4 bespoke and personal meetings regarding your church service on your special day. 

Along with these we encourage you to complete the following to ensure your wedding day is spectacular in every single way.

1. Visit The Wedding Website

The first thing to do is visit the highly informative Church of England weddings website, which gives you advice about crafting your wedding and about getting the most out of this special time in your life. 

2. Attend Our Wedding Preparation Course

St Martin’s offers a marriage preparation course early each year. All couples marrying in the parish are invited to this course which aims to help you build a strong and lasting relationship. The course is based on high quality video material, discussing married life, and its joys and challenges. As a couple attending this course, you will have the opportunity to talk with your partner in private in response to the videos.

 3. Come Regularly To Church

We warmly encourage you as a couple to attend church as much as possible in the period leading up to your marriage. This will help you to explore God’s good and loving purpose for your life together following you wedding. It will also enable us to get to know you as we pray for you and help you to feel more relaxed and at home in ‘your church’ on your wedding day itself. 

4. Explore your faith

For a platinum feel to your wedding preparation why not attend an ‘enquirers’ course about the Christian faith? These optional courses start at various times in the year where each session explores life empowering topics such as ‘Who Is Jesus? Why Pray? What About The Church? Each starts with cake and tea. Why not see what it’s all about?

For more information about weddings at St Martin’s Church contact Rev’d Sarah Marshall at