Pints of View

‘Pints of View’ is not currently running.

This page shows an example of the evening services and activities that we ran prior to the pandemic - we will update this page when our new vicar is in post and future plans are confirmed.

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 Pints of View informally meets at the White Horse Pub at 8pm on the first Sunday of the month and ends at about 9.30pm.

This is a lovely church gathering based at the village pub, in the snug where a guest speaker will speak informally for 20 minutes on an important topic of faith.

These include conversations about, local issues, poverty, social action, faith and race. After the talk there is a chance for discussion. Why not come along, relax, enjoy a drink with new and old friends, support your local pub and be inspired to action?

The topics scheduled for the 2020-2021 season are listed below:

  • 4th October - Unconsious Bias: Black Lives Matter

  • 1st November - Remembrance: Stories about World War 2

  • 6th December - Christmas: The importance of Advent

  • 7th February - Kindness: A school governors point of view

  • 7th March - Lent: What it means to be a Christian

  • 2nd May - Poverty: Christian Aid

  • 6th June - The Environment: Help! Your World Needs you

  • 4th July - Spiritual Pathways: How To Follow God in the Sunshine